A Green Thumb Covered in Snow

I’m getting the gardening bug again.  Every year, when I start getting all those seed catalogs, I start getting the urge to begin planning my garden.  What’s that?  There’s seven inches of snow over my garden?

Pshaw…no matter!  Let’s plunk down a chunk of change anyway for use in four months!

It’s a bit frustrating. 

In other news- today is my mom’s birthday!  Happy birthday, Mom!  I think I can directly connect my love of gardening and my hatred of dirt under my fingernails to you…we’re complicated women, huh?

Not much else at this point- the baby is regularly kicking now, which is weird/wonderful/alien/awesome all at once.  We also had our “big” ultrasound on Friday- and I’m 6 days ahead of my due date!  At least something is growing ahead of schedule at this time- even if it’s not my garden. 

And, yes, we did find out the sex…but no, we’re not telling.  🙂  If it makes you feel any better, it was only an 80% sure thing anyway- so we still might get a surprise on June 12th.

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One thought on “A Green Thumb Covered in Snow

  1. cottagerswife

    Sorry to be so late with this… Congratulations! Wonderful news.
    (where have I been?)
    Looking forward to frequent updates.

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