Put Me in the Zoo…

Guess where we went today?

It was a bit chilly.

But the animals didn’t mind…

Ok, the kangaroo looks a bit chilled…

But my personal favorite part of the zoo?

The Mold-A-Ramas* of course!

They are exactly the same from when I went with my parents twenty-five years ago…Do other zoos have these awesome machines?

The more important question: Could I get one for our house of a Stella figurine?


Categories: BABIES!!!, Hus (Brisket), Li, me | 1 Comment

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One thought on “Put Me in the Zoo…

  1. Well, since you didn’t specify which zoo it’s hard to say if any others do. But assuming you weren’t at the Oklahoma City Zoo, then yes. We have a black panther and a yellow lion from our last trip down there, just as my husband got when he went there as a kid.

    If the Fort Wayne or Indianapolis zoos had them, either my parents didn’t buy them for me or I have forgotten them.

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