In Between

January seems to be an in-between month doesn’t it?  You’re use to the snow and ice by this point, the holidays are over and spring seems far away (as in at least two months away)…and you just kind of hunker down and wait.

The same is going on with us, our home renovation, and all things related to “baby”.

We’re kind of in-between everything right now…

…in-between deciding where we’re going to squeeze another human into the house.

…in-between deciding how to build out the upstairs for the human mentioned above.

…in-between clothing sizes- so all my work pants are too tight, but maternity clothes might be too big.

…in-between the puking, flu-like first trimester and the I’m-getting-so-big third trimester.

…in-between major projects at work and finishing up various projects on the homefront.

It’s like we’re waiting for a thaw, a break, to spring into action.  What that action actually is, I don’t actually know…but I know there is an action!  That’s the first step right?

Categories: Uncategorized | 1 Comment

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One thought on “In Between

  1. d

    this is the ‘counting days’ time of year.
    Each day is like a bead you slide from one side of the ledger to the other,
    one more bead toward spring.
    You’ve done it before, you made it through the ‘500 days’ that way.
    I always look forward to Feb 15. By then you can see that the days are getting longer. The extra daylight lets you know that spring is coming, not as soon as you’d like maybe, but it’s coming.
    Hang on and count beads..better days are coming.

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